



1 最近給德中譯者提的意見摘錄

以下是我們近期用德文及中文給我們的翻譯者所做的一些提示。 翻譯者經常不動腦筋、照搬外文版式語序,忽略其中語意構造含意,而且不懂得運用中文書面語固有的表現手段,只跟着口語的感覺走。 遇到需要用中文命名的元素時躬避命名責任,不求表達清楚只求無人責怪。



使用中文前需要認真練習中文打字,最好使用諸如五筆、倉頡等針對單個漢字的鍵般輸入法。 英文直接混入中文部分理由在於人們依賴拼音輸入法,不能够自己用漢字組合該輸入法系統中尚未收録的單詞。 最近中文微機部分原因在於教育者沒有掌握傳授新時代的中文基礎。 翻譯者與教育者一様有義務要做超過一般人的努力,要做中國語言文化維護運動的先鋒。

1.1 本月德中翻譯糾正一例

Die Übersetzung klammert sich zu eng an Formmerkmale, die nur im Original Sinn ergeben, und tut nicht genug dafür, den Sinn in gutem Chinesisch wiederzugeben.


1.1.1 須用中文標點符號如「」『』

不可以在中文中使用諸如「”…”, , .(…)」等單字節標點符號。

1.1.2 「E-Mail」即「電郵」

>     E-Mail info@abc.ch



1.1.3 德意志博物館無需劃蛇添足


德意志博物館(Deutsches Museum)

此處需要命名,不需要解説。 命名的目的在提供簡練的反映原文的詞。 維基百科有「德意志博物館」一條,説明前幾代翻譯者公德心較強。


1.1.4 地址語序等版式結構也是語法、需要轉變成中文語法

>     8500 Frauenfeld
>     Rheinstrasse 19
>     信箱1310


>                               FEM International AG(FEM国际股份公司)
>                               Wittenwilerstrasse 45
>                               8355 Aadorf(阿多夫)
>                               SWITZERLAND(瑞士)

瑞士第8325区阿多夫(Aadorf)市維藤維勒街(Wittenwilerstrasse)45号FEM国际股份公司(FEM International AG)

> Frauenfeld,2010年2月23日08:53


1.1.5 擴弧用於確立中文翻譯詞而不是用來解說外文詞

>     尊敬的Dumpty先生
>     您的公司,
>     注册办公地点位于CH-8355 Aadorf(阿多夫)的FEM International AG(FEM国际股份公司),

Bei Klammerausdrücken steht die chinesische Version außerhalb der Klammern:


1.1.6 之前 –> 此之前, 此前, 以前, 从前, 原先, 原有, 固有

> 提示:这份摘要包括该公司目前所有有效的登记内容,以及可能在2000年10月25日之后
> 删除的登记内容。已经删掉的事实以及可能更早的日记簿和SHAB引文仅从主要登记薄(
> 公司登记薄)的之前的登记内容中查阅。

「之前」是後置词、放在所针对名词之後,不可孤立化为副词。 口语出现的泯灭语法边界的违反文言语法的新习惯不可纳入书面语。


2 抗拒中英加白文體的語言羞耻感近年逐步瓦解




3 資源

  • Debate about Daily Telegraph: Chinese Languge damaged by invasion of English Words article on Proz, in which I participated as ‘a2eoas’.
    • 南桥:捍卫汉语的开放性 – 捍卫汉语散架的机会: 全国政协委员、中国外文局副局长黄友义先生提了几个提案,其中之一是建议净化中文里的外来语。在接受中国网访谈时,黄先生说:“现在经常看到有很多的文章、报道,中文的句子加了英文的词,而且这种现象有发展的趋势,比如说‘首席执行官’,他一定要说CEO,还有外国的人名、地名、外国机构的名称、新产品的名字,都用了外文。”
      • 我在鳳凰網站上留言支持黃氏被拒絕,編者未說明理由
      • The article caricaturises positions of language purist Huang Youyi (Mr Youyi said: “If we do not pay attention and we do not take measures to stop Chinese mingling with English, Chinese will no longer be a pure language in a couple of years.”) and “Gu Yuego, a researcher at the Institute of Linguistics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences”, who takes a historicist/descriptivist point of view and calls French efforts foolish and futile.
      • Gu Yueguo seems to ignore that the French use the word “logiciel” for “software”, “ordinateur” for “computer”, “courriel” for “e-mail” etc, because of these efforts which were thus not futile; I would like to say “Logikalie”, “Rechner” and “E-Post” in German, but due to lack of political support I feel like Don Qixote when doing so; the lack of political support degrades the public goods on which my daily life depends and thus contaminates my environment and degrades my quality of life. The same goes for the recently rampant use of the term “E-Mail” in Chinese printed publications. A barrier has fallen that could be upheld if only there was a collective effort by society and politics to do so.
      • RANT subject=“Gu Yuego”: By taking a historicist perspective, you can justify everything an nothing, see K. Popper’s “Poverty of Historicism”. E.g. the fall of the Inka empire was a natural result of global expansion of a more vibrant culture. Resistance to Francesco Pizzarro turned out to be futile. So what? Wasn’t it natural and noble nonetheless? Isn’t the resistance of a system to contamination and creolisation also a natural phenomenon? Historicists want to dissociate themselves from contemporary public values, such as that of having a simple and self-contained semiotic sytem (the same value that any constructed language or programming language “naturally” pursues). In order to distance themselves from these public values, they end up worshipping nature, forgetting that we are talking about human phenomena. Historicists working as linguists in institutes show that they are taking an “objective” look at the system about which they are talking, but since this is system is human-made, the “objective” look ends up being an object’s look, i.e. a look from the perspective of an unintelligent object. Few things are as sterile as science conducted by social scientists who self-referentially justify themselves by the methodologies that they learned in their institute. Btw “Gu Yuego” is not a valid transliteration of a Chinese name. RANT END.
  • 代表委員議「漢語保衛戰」防止英語「入侵」漢語
    • The article shows very clearly that Mr. Huang Youyi is not isolated in China. But the way to go is long.
  • 「GDP」もダメ! 中国語の“純潔”死守へ、政府提言
    • 国際翻訳家連盟副会長も務める黄副局長は、中国国内の刊行物の中に英語が氾濫(はんらん)している現状を憂慮。
    • 温家宝首相は、5日に全国人民代表大会(全人代=国会に相当)で行った政府活動報告で「GDP」を用いず、「国内生産総値」と表現した。
  • 中文雜記
  • Sprachethik
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