Heute am Samstag der als Kalenderwoche 25 bekannten 24. Woche des Jahres, dem 16. Juni 2017, treffen hier vielleicht Nachrichten und Anregungen ein, für die diese öffentliche Tagebuchseite zum Thema PILCH Hartmut als erste Anlaufstelle zur Weiterverarbeitung dienen kann. |
[ diese Woche ][ gestern ][ heute ][ morgen ]![]() 物連網,工並四點零,顛覆某點零等愛新澤集團在慕尼黑北部設立了創新中心。 PLM+ALM結合亦即零肉結合似乎並非理所當然而是西門子先實現。 Teamwork+Polisario二軟件搭橋為壯舉。 Replacing ProcmailThe mail processor Procmail has served me for many years in sorting incoming mail into folders. Today I made the switchover to the Perl Mail::Procmail package. It was quite easy. A tutorial helped but I had to play around to make sense of it. All I needed to do was to replace the .forward file with |/opt/a2e/bin/a2e_procmail and put into the a2e_procmail file something like my $m_subject = pm_gethdr('subject'); pm_deliver("$MAILDIR/$1") if $m_subject =~ m(\/dok\:(\w+)\b)i; to get my mail sorted into folders named after the reference symbols which I usually put into the subject line of business mails. This is something I was unable to do with Procmail during all those years, because pattern matching is very limited and moreover difficult to debug in Procmail. Rather than rewriting the .forward file one can also keep procmail and integrate the new Perl-based system into it, using the But this would make sense only if I could figure out how to make Procmail process all its own recipes alongside with calling the external processor. Also, rewriting all my procmail recipes looks rather easy and a matter of no more than a few hours including debugging. For the purposes of debugging I will still be using the I’m also looking forward to trying the altenatives Mail::Audit or Email::Filter. They both come from the same author Simon Cozens and he writes in the docs of the latter that it replaces the former. However the latter comes without POD documentation, and to me it looks like a simple subset of the former. The advantage of the latter coud be that it is a subclass of ![]() |