Perl Modules for Aktiv

Termine, Pläne, Entwicklungen

Maintaining and Developping Perl modules for use in the FFFI’s existing participation system software

Table of Contents

1 History

2 Files

  • interface from aktiv to, designed to minimize influence of any changes of
  • common query services needed by various applications, including web, but especially mail. Mail queries used to be answered by knecht at ffii org, as documented at
  • testsuite for the library. requires commandline arguments, see Makefile ‘test’ target for an example
  • A2E::db: database querying module: an additional layer of abstraction on top of DBI, to hide access data and simplify queries provided that the tables conform to certain constraints; to be published soon.
    • PostgreSQL: contains authentication data files for various databases, encrypted and ready to be installed for use by the A2E::db module
  • dependencies in the local file system: greatly reduced if ‘rdbonly’ switch is on
  • CPAN Dependencies: HTML::Template, HTML::FillInForm, Data::FormValidator, Mail::Sendmail, Log::Agent
  • Makefile: contains some rules for the local installations on machines

# - i2p_perl: private files related to this work

3 To Do

  • remove base directory concept, reduce everything to ‘rdbonly’ mode, clean out remaining file dependencies, except perhaps for perm.txt and verbdefs.txt, which should then be moved out of the base directory to something like /etc/knecht/.
  • write an installation script, INSTALL and README file, create a tar.gz package
  • possibly even move the verbdefs.txt part into the A2E::db module
  • make packages more consistently object-oriented and modular, possibly replace some parts by more modern modules
  • move parts of into external perl packages, create testsuite scripts for these
  • make ‘knechttest’ usable without commandline parameters
  • allow users to change their mail addresses (implies partial reiteration of initial registration procedure with session-id etc)
© 2006-12-28 Hartmut PILCH