a2e php_users v 0.2.4

the coming version: support more user contributions

Working step by step up the development ladder of a2e php_users, a website user managment system which allows users to register, authenticate and manage their profile on a site and tries to do provide this basic service to other web apps in a minimalistic, modular and interoperable way.

1 Development Targets for this Version

  1. integrate mktdir4, i.e. allow users to insert new document nodes, possibly also special user-owned discussion forum style mini documents
  2. see whether embperl can be used alongside with php when perl programs are being invoked
  3. generate language flags dynamically from ‘@langs’ file
  4. improve installation routine
    1. adapt it to the improved basis
    2. make sure version numbers are shifted as needed in every subdirectory and prod/test aliases are set correctly at every level – problems occurred especially in the sites branch
    3. shift old versions to a waste bin area from where they are no longer installable into productive areas by ‘make’
    4. move certain parts out of the php_users upgrading scheme and let them follow a separate development path
  5. make sure database connection to ffii.org works, correct strange url in ‘could not connect to data source pgsql://@ffii.org/ffii’
  6. make sure php scripts really run under the apache user
  7. add language choice to cookie and make it work with Apache’s SetEnvIf Cookie "language=de" prefer-language=de directive
  8. start to work on a routine for packaging the system core into a tar.gz file so as to facilitate its installation on other sites

2 Roadmap for later versions

2.1 a2e php_users toward v 0.3

  1. make cookie optional
  2. store cross-site session info in database
  3. write a simple php program, e.g. to help people sign ffii call to action
  4. write a simple Perl program for one admin task which consults the cookie/session info set by a2e php_users to check permissions
    • possibly use WDDX
    • possibly put session and cookie info into database backend and share it among federated sites
  5. create a german version of some pages and establish a multilinguality framework
    • possibly use gettext
  6. add documentation on
    • how to install
    • how to add translations
    • how to configure the conversion between the database backend and the webform frontend
    • how to plug in further forms and php applications
    • how to plug in non-php applications

2.2 a2e php_users toward v 1.0

  1. package for easy installation
    • possibly as a PEAR package
  2. enhance the documentation
    • generate Docbook versions from our Deplate source text
    • take a look at php_document and facilities recommended by PEAR
  3. test on some non-a2e sites
    • possibly add a few more languages
  4. enhance the meta facilities, make automated testing easier

2.3 a2e php_users beyond 1.0

see the main a2e php_users page

© 2007-03-17 Hartmut PILCH