a2e php_user meta utilities

a2e php_user meta utilities

Tools for developping, testing and packaging the a2e php_users user managment system on the a2e.de site.

Table of Contents

1 Chronology

  • 2007-04-23 apache created this directory

2 Resources

  • The configuration files contain some development-related meta information, in variables such as $VERSION, $PRODUCTION_VERSION
  • php_users_test.phps: command-line test suite
    • preferably invoke as user ‘apache’, otherwise session and cookie managment won’t work
    • installed in PATH without .phps extension by ‘make install’ from this directory
    • invoke with sudo -u apache php_users_v0_2_3 or simply with make test
    • see output of last invocation
  • say sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/ffii/eupat_test_error.log & to capture web error log
  • a2e_php_users_release.sh – make the current development version the production version and create a new copy for the next development version. Invoke as ‘a2e_php_users_release’ without argument to get a help text
  • ../include/PT – this file should contain either the string ‘prod’ for ‘production version’ or the string ‘test’ for ‘development version’. The target directories as well as some site configuration variable, e.g. in include/user.conf and site configuration files like eupat_users.conf, depend on this information. The PT file is installed into the include_path.
  • ../sites/ffii/SITE – these files give the name of the site, same as $USERS_SITES[0], but more convenient for the Makefile system to use
  • We use Make macros and somoe other little a2e production tools to manage the development
© 2007-04-23 Hartmut PILCH