Die Vertreibungen von 1945-48

Ethnische Säuberungen nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg

Über 12 Millionen Ureinwohner (vor allem Deutsche, aber auch Italiener, Ungarn, Polen u.a.) wurden aus Osteuropa vertrieben, ca 3 Millionen ließen dabei ihr Leben. Der militärische und moralische Sieg über Deutschland bot die Gelegenheit, alte Träume zu verwirklichen und wackelige Nationalstaaten zu stabilisieren. Noch heute lässt sich schwer objektiv über das Thema reden. Weder auf diplomatischem Parkett noch unter Historikern oder in Wikipedia.

1 Dokumente

2 Beiträge zu Wikipedia-Artikel

Die folgenden Formulierungen für den englischen Wikipedia-Artikel hatten angesichts peinlich wachender Schreiber aus Polen und Tschechien keine Chance auf Bestand. Daraufhin legte ich die vorliegende unfertige Materialsammlung an.

2.1 A desire to consolidate the new borders by creating ethnically homogeneous nation states

This was given as the key reason for the official decisions of the Potsdam conference and previous allied conferences involving the Polish and Czech exile governments, as cited in this article.

There is a longer history of the Polish and Czech nation state trying to assert itself against real or perceived German eastward expansionism (see also Drang nach Osten article), as well as the late and virulent nationalist aggression of a Polish nation state under Marshal Pilsudski et al in the 1920s, which waged an expansionist war against the Soviet Union and oppressed ethnic minorities. See http://www.jf-archiv.de/archiv06/200603011366.htm for more details.

The German-speaking minorities that had been handed over to Poland and Czechoslovakia by the Versailles treaty had caused particular problems to these nation states, and, in the case of Czechoslovakia, been instrumental in bringing about its destruction by Germany in 1938. Thus etchnic homogeneity appeared to be indispensible for the stability and survival of these states. The utter military and moral defeat of Germany in 1945 provided the chance for achieving this ethnic homogeneity by means which, at other occasions, would not have been available.

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