# -*- srcfile: /ius/15/09/tatjana/_lng.ius_tatjana1509.en.txt; mode: fundamental; coding: utf-8 -*- ## Menüeintrag lab := Tatjana ## Titel tit := Munich Monday Demo for the Dublin System, against Asylum Bigotry ## Untertitel sut := The favoured mayor of 10% of Dresden's citizens is among our speakers. ## Zusammenfassung des := After weeks of psy-op by media and social democrats, Mommy Merkel stepped out to present a Germany that welcomes refugees from the world's failed states with open arms. For this purpose she wrecked the European rules and pushed to install a mechanism that leads to the destruction of Europe's peoples. kws := Summum Ius, 2015-09, a2e, mlht (ito (graus Leading intellectuals are mostly baffled by the upcoming scenario of dissolution of Europe in a wave of intercontinental proletarian mass migration. Germany's influential philosopher Peter Sloterdijk finds pointed words, borrowed from Macchiavelli, speaking of a necessity for $(q:well-temperated cruelty), i.e. willingness to give priority to orderliness and public interest over the caritative urges that a televized picture of a sweet child might provoke. Italy's Umberto Eco takes a fatalistic view. He believes that Europe is destined to drown in proletarian mass migration and can only try its best to manage the process as humanely as possible. This fatalism is becoming mainstream as delusions about the usefulness of the migration wave for the European economy are loosing ground. Many commentators now simply embrace the fate of Europe as unavoidable because founded in higher laws of ethics such as $(q:human rights) or $(q:European values). Merkel and Juncker seem to be swimming on this wave. In the current German media-driven $(q:hippie politics), as the British politologist Anthony Glees characterizes it, it is difficult to imagine that any politcian could be willing to exercise any $(q:well-tempered cruelty) toward what comes over the television screen. We seem bound to lose our own country in the same way as the USA lost Vietnam. While German mainstream media have been celebrating an $(q:revolt of the decent) (Aufstand der Anständigen) against phantomatic xenophobia, we are facing the daunting task of organizing a $(q:revolt of the reasonable) against a vicious mainstream that will do whatever it can to present us as $(q:indecent) and $(q:intolerant). Which is a codeword for $(q:not deserving of normal civil rights). )graus ) (mon tit = Past and upcoming mondays (_med lu_dok = ius_lutz1507 lm_url = https://www.facebook.com/pegida.muenchen.ev/photos/a.841026542641666.1073741828.837805916297062/874228979321422/?type=1 $(lm:Last Monday) according to foreign media reports (RuptlyTV) 300 people attended our demo. In view of the political crisis this is not much, but it is more than before the summer pause. A $(q:broad coalition) of $(lu:government, industry, trade unions, churches, associations and embedded media) has been waging a defamation campagin against our movement which included making up news about an inexisting demo call to which nobody came, suggesting that we are already dead, and then ceasing to report. But some foreign media were not embedded in the campaign and are therefore still interested in reporting. Lasts Monday representatives of agencies from Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and Japan came, and the interest seems to be increasing. )_med (_tat Our guest speaker $(au:Tatjana Festerling) was a candidate for Pegida at the Dresden mayor election. The embedded media of the $(q:Broad Coalition) have been defaming her and falsely claiming that only 1-2% of Dresden citizens would vote for her, when the real number was 10%. Tatjana is politically vocal and has the courage to tackle difficult questions in clear language. Recently she published 10 demands for fundamental reform of the German and European asylum systems. )_tat (_phm The way out of the asylum crisis will also be the subject of Hartmut Pilch's final speech. Regarding $(q:well-tempered cruelty) Hartmut Pilch remarks: ( @ql ( # Auch europäische Gemüter sind normalerweise zu der von Sloterdijk in Anlehnung an Macchiavelli geforderten $(q:wohltemperierten Grausamkeit) mehr als fähig. Even European minds are normally very well capable of exercising what Sloterdijk dramatizingly calls $(q:well-tempered cruelty) in allusion to Macchiavelli. # In Wirklichkeit geht es ja nicht um Grausamkeit sondern um Bereitschaft zu einer verhältnismäßigen, angemessenen Antwort im öffentlichen Interesse auch da, wo diese manchmal etwas härter ausfallen muss. In reality this is not about being cruel but about taking the hard decisions that are necessarily connected to the role of a politician while avoiding all unnecessary hardship. It is a matter of responsibility and proportionality. # Wenn es um Privatinteressen geht, ist fast jeder Mensch zur zur noetigen Haerte wenn nicht gar zu wirklicher Grausamkeit in der Lage. When dealing with their own private interests, people are usually quite willing to disregard hardship that are not in the sphere of their responsibility. # Aber wenn es um das öffentliche Interesse geht, wollen sie sich lieber in eine selbstverschuldete Unmündigkeit begeben. But when public interest is at stake, people prefer to indulge in self-inflicted immaturity. Juncker's and Merkel's human rights dogmatism are of this type. # Im Ergebnis verursachen sie damit selber die wirklichen Grausamkeiten. In the end this kind of attitude produces the true cruelties. # Straßburger Menschenrechtsrichter gehen über Leichenberge. Strasburg's human rights judges have been piling up corpses in the Mediterranean. # Nur sieht man diesen Zusammenhang nicht auf den Fotos von $(q:Aylan), mit denen die Medien bei uns Politik machen. It's just that real causal relations do not appear on the photos of $(q:Aylan) or whatever the sensationalist media use to impose the pseudo-humanitarian ideology that results from their mode of operation. ) ) )_phm (_orb url = https://www.facebook.com/pegida.muenchen.ev/posts/876248995786087 bb_dok = ius_lutz1507 # Wir werden unsere Botschaften mit neuen Sprüchen auch akustisch verständlich machen. We will make our messages heard with new slogans. # Dabei werden sich viele Bürger einbringen. Many citizens will play a part in the process. # Letztens lautete der beliebeste Spruch $(q:$(au:Viktor Orban for President), Merkel go to Hell). Recently the most popular slogan was $(q:$(au:Victor Orban for President), Merkel go to Hell). # Die Gegendemonstranten vom $(bb:Breiten Bündnis) haben angekündigt, dass sie uns diesmal mit besonders starken Lautsprechern akustisch plattmachen werden. We are always closely followed by aggressive counter-demonstrators acting in the name of the $(bb:Broad Coalition) who tend to resort various kinds of legal and illegal violence and obscenity. This time they announced that they would make our speeches inaudibe by means of powerful speakers. # Man wird sehen, ob die Polizei diesmal die rechtlichen Obergrenzen durchzusetzen bereit ist. Unlike in other German states (Länder), the Bavarian police is mostly effective in protecting us from the worst violence, but they tend to allow sources of loud noise as well as intrusive closeup photographers who work as $(q:antifascists) on Munich municipality's payroll to come very close to us. # Sie versuchen stets durch Beleidigungen, einzelne nervenschwache Mitdemonstranten zu unbesonnenen Reaktionen zu provozieren. The Broad Coalition usually tries to provoke individual demonstrators into incontinent reactions, on which it then feeds. # Unsere Grundregel ist, die Trolle nicht zu füttern. Our basic rule is not to feed the trolls. We ask our demonstrators to promise to ignore the hippy state's $(q:Broad Coalition). # Auch mit den in das Trollbündnis eingebetteten Dunkelmedien (BR, 5 Zeitungen) reden wir grundsätzlich nur gegen Hetzgebühr. Also we do not give any oral interviews to media, unless for a $(q:defamation fee), which is rather high in the case of broad coalition media. # Ansonsten verweisen wir auf unsere Pressemitteilungen. Our general rule is to receive questions and give written replies. # Im Moment müssen wir noch gegen das Kreisverwaltungsreferat prozessieren. Currently we are still litigating about the demonstration route, but we are confident that we will prevail. The municipal government is part of the Broad Coalition and regularly exercises its power in obstructive ways. Fortunately the judicial system still seems to be independent, even though not particularly sympathetic to us. )_orb )mon