WordNet 2.1 for opensuse 10.3

an rpm package for the a2e repository

The WordNet system is useful when you are looking for English words. It has also served as a model for similar projects in other languages

1 Situation

  • new developments in suse_version 110
    • build prerequisites (under BuildRequires tag) had to be enlarged in wordnet.spec.tmpl: rather than xorg-x11-libX11-devel we now appear need xorg-x11-devel, which entails a lot more libraries and include files. The motive for this was an error message
      gcc  -g -O2   -o wishwn  wishwn-tkAppInit.o 
      wishwn-stubs.o -L../lib -lWN -L/usr/lib -ltk8.5 
      -L/usr/lib -ltcl8.5 -lX11 -lXss -lXext  -lpthread 
      -ldl  -lieee -lm 
      cannot find -lXss
      during compilation of wordnet: the libraries libXss* and libXext* were claimed to be unfindable even though they were present in the build system’s /usr/lib directory
    • it seems that there is no longer any alternative wordnet rpm package out there now

2 Tasks

3 Timeline

4 Resources

5 Chronology

  • dat: 2008-04-06; prs: phm: apache created this directory
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